Automate your Seller Central with us!

Being a seller is not so easy. You have to manage too many things - right from purchasing raw materials, manufacturing your goods, contacting suppliers, shipping, distribution, orders, labeling, customs, stocks. Along with this, you have to accurately maintain your Amazon seller central. Not a single mistake is allowed. We understand that managing these entire things single-handedly is quite tough. But don’t worry. Cosmers is providing you an additional helping hand in managing your online business by managing your seller central account. Now you don’t have to worry about your seller central account. It is in safe hands.

Cosmers Account Management is a team of experienced Account Managers, expert consultants who know Amazon very well and have handled more than 150+ accounts. You will be assigned with a dedicated account manager who will manage your seller's account and do all the stuff from creating a new listing to processing orders, advertising, maintaining stocks, refunds, negative feedbacks, Safe-T claims, A-Z claims, account health, the voice of the customer and many more. Cosmers is the one-stop solution for your every problem.

Cosmers Account Management services include:-

  1. New Seller Account Setup
  2. Category Approval
  3. GTIN Exemption
  4. Amazon Brand Registry and Protection
  5. Product Listing
  6. Listing Optimization
  7. Advertising Management and Optimization
  8. Order Management
  9. Negative Feedback Removal
  10. FBA Registration
  11. Inventory Management
  12. Account Health Maintenance
  13. Constant Amazon Updates
  14. Monthly Report

Contact us and get your account managed easily.